General Public Information – Psychometric Testing Service
Sheridan’s Psychology offers standardized psychometric testing as a separate service for individuals. This service may be requested as part of a treatment plan from a health professional or may be required as part of a recruitment process in better understanding the aptitude and fit of an individual/s to an organisation or can be a person wanting to learn more about themselves. If you or a loved one has concerns around memory loss, difficulties in concentration, behavioural or interpersonal problems, then perhaps psychometric testing can help. Testing and assessment can be useful in detecting patterns of thoughts, beliefs, and behaviours as well as cognitive aptitude which can aid diagnosis and treatment. At Sheridan’s Psychology, we offer a comprehensive testing service that includes neuropsychological, intelligence and personality testing. All assessments include detailed reports delivered at a feedback session to help in better understanding the results. Here are some examples:
NEO™ Personality Inventory
This is a detailed assessment of general personality using the NEO Personality Inventory. This is a psychometric test of outstanding quality. It is a concise measure of the five major domains of personality (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness) and the six facets that define each domain. Taken together, the five domain scales and the 30 facet scales facilitate a comprehensive and detailed assessment of general personality. Its age range includes adolescents as young as 12 years to 99 years. The NEO has been proven for its reliability and validity of Personality Assessment.
The fee is $800 – 2 appointments and a report.